Attempt all questions. Give answer of each question in 50 words each. 1. Define milk 2. Fat Percentage in cow milk is .......... . 3. Define colostrum 4. Hormones in milk secretion 5. Full form of AMUL. 6. Define Adulteration of milk. 7. Write chemical compositions of Ghee. 8. Discuss the uses of Khoa. 9. Define Milk Union. 10. Write legal standard of ghee.

1. Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals, such as cows, goats, and sheep. It is a nutritious drink commonly consumed by humans for its high content of essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins. 2. The fat percentage in cow milk can vary, but it typically ranges from about 3-4%. This fat content can be adjusted by processes like skimming or homogenization to produce different types of milk products like whole milk, low-fat milk, or skim milk. 3. Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by mammals, including humans, in the initial days after giving birth. It is thick, yellowish in color, and rich in antibodies, proteins, and other immune-boosting nutrients that help protect newborns from infections and diseases. 4. Hormones play a crucial role in milk secretion, with hormones like prolactin stimulating milk production and oxytocin triggering the let-down reflex for milk ejection. Some dairy cows may also be treated with synthetic hormones like rBST to increase milk production, although there are concerns about its safety. 5. AMUL stands for Anand Milk Union Limited. It is an Indian dairy cooperative that has revolutionized the dairy industry in India with its farmer-focused approach, high-quality dairy products, and successful marketing strategies. AMUL is known for its range of dairy products like milk, butter, ghee, cheese, and ice cream. 6. Adulteration of milk refers to the practice of adding harmful substances like water, starch, urea, or synthetic chemicals to milk to increase its volume, thickness, or shelf life. This deceptive practice not only reduces the nutritional quality of milk but also poses serious health risks to consumers. 7. Ghee is a type of clarified butter made by simmering unsalted butter until the milk solids separate and are strained out. The chemical composition of ghee includes mostly healthy saturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and butyric acid. 8. Khoa, also known as khoya or mawa, is a dairy product made by simmering and evaporating milk to remove water content, resulting in a thick, granular, and fudge-like consistency. Khoa is commonly used in Indian sweets like burfi, peda, and gulab jamun, as well as savory dishes like curries and desserts. 9. A Milk Union is a cooperative organization formed by dairy farmers to collectively process, market, and sell milk and dairy products. Milk Unions help small-scale dairy farmers access better technology, infrastructure, and markets, improve milk quality, and increase their income through collective efforts and shared resources. 10. The legal standard of ghee in most countries specifies that it must contain a minimum fat content of about 99.5%, with the remaining 0.5% made up of moisture, protein, and milk solids. Ghee must also be free from any additives, preservatives, or adulterants to meet quality and safety standards.
